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beget |
*.them[2] |
all.of-them |
in | |
`po |
mmo.ou |
thr.ou |
6m |
p.kosmos |
P080-Gk |
. |
*.they.beget |
*.them |
forth |
by-means-of |
the.Nature, |
and |
e.u.`po |
mmo.o[u] |
ebol |
6n |
t.fusis |
au |
P080-Gk |
. |
the.remainder |
by-means-of |
the.Spirit. |
Those-who.they.beget |
*.them[3] |
w |
n.kooue |
6m |
[p.pna |
net.]ou.`po |
mmo.ou |
P080-Gk |
-P035 |
. |
forth |
in.heart/mind.of-Him | |
forth |
there |
ebol |
n.6ht.3 |
[4a.u.w]4 |
ebol |
mmau |
. |
to.the.humankind, | |
forth |
in |
the.promise |
e.p.rwme |
[]ei4 |
ebol |
6m |
p.r |
. |
concerning |
the.goal | |
in.the.above. |
r]ht |
e[tbe |
pe.sko]pos | | |
P080-Gk |
34. All those who are begotten within the system are begotten physically, and the others are begotten [spiritually]. Those begotten in His heart [call forth] there to humankind, in order to nourish them in the promise [of the goal] which is above.
34. Todos los que son engendrados dentro del sistema se engendran físicamente y los otros se engendran [espiritualmente]. Los que se engendran en el corazón de Él [llaman] allí a la humanidad, para alimentarlos en la promesa [de la meta] de arriba.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-07.gif.