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occur, |
*.afterwards |
the.murder. |
And |
did.they. |
eik |
4wpe |
m.mnn-sws |
f.wtbe |
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beget.him |
forth |
in |
the.abstract.adultery, |
was.the.son |
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ebol |
6n |
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for |
of.the-serpent |
being. |
Thru |
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did.he.become |
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Gk |
Gk |
Gk |
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*.slayer-of.human, |
in.the-manner |
of.his.other.father, |
and |
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n.qe | |
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did.he.kill |
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Mating |
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Gk |
Gk |
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in |
the.alikes |
not |
in. |
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6n |
n.e5ne |
an |
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their.mutuality, |
an.abstract.adultery |
is. |
nou.erhu |
ou.mnt.noeik |
te |
46. Adultery occurred first, then murder. And (Cain) was begotten in adultery, for he was the son of the serpent. Therefore he became a manslayer like his other2 father (the serpent), and he killed his brother (Abel). Yet every mating which has occurred between those who are dissimilar is adultery.
46. Primero ocurrió el adulterio, luego el homicidio. Y (Caín) se engendró en adulterio, pues fue el hijo del3 serpiente. Por eso llegó a ser un homicida igual que su otro4 padre (el serpiente), y mató a su hermano (Abel). Pues cada apareamiento que ha ocurrido entre disímiles es adulterio.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-09.gif.
2That is, other than his true Father, God. In the context of the story in Gen 3-4, this ‘other father’ cannot be Adam—who could not have been a murderer at that point of time, there presumably being as yet no other humans on the earth.
3Hebreo ‘serpiente’ #xn [najash] es masculino—género necesario aquí para mantener el contraste entre los tres ‘padres’: el homicida y mentiroso serpiente, el padre falso Adán, y el verdadero padre Dios.