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human |
habitually.he.begets |
human, |
a.god |
rwme |
4are.3.`pe |
rwme |
ou.noute |
. |
habitually.he.begets |
god. |
This |
is |
the-manner |
with |
the.Him-of.the. |
4are.3.`pe |
noute |
taei |
te |
qe |
6m |
[ |
. |
Bride[2] | (!) |
the.Bride: |
did.they.become |
4eleet |
mn.6n |
t.[4el]eet |
a.u.[4w |
. |
from |
in |
the.Bridal-Chamber |
viz. |
their.Sons. |
pe |
ebol |
6m |
p.n[umfwn |
n2i |
neu.4hre |
P080-Gk |
. |
Was.not |
Jew |
becoming |
. . . | |
ioudai |
4[oop |
. . . |
Heb |
. |
from |
among |
the.Hellenes |
. . . |
ebol |
6n |
n.6e[llhnh |
. . . |
P080-Gk |
. |
become, |
and |
we.Christics |
become |
not |
4oop |
auw |
a[n.xristianos |
4oop |
an |
P045-Gk+Latin |
. |
from |
among |
the.Jews. |
. . . |
ebol |
6n |
n.ioud[ai |
. . . |
P262.5-Heb |
. |
the.Christics[3]. |
Did.thou. |
. . . |
And |
n.xristianos |
a.k.[ |
±8 |
au |
P080-Gk+Latin |
. |
| |
*.these-who.are-good.them |
: |
w |
a.u.moute |[nou.ou |
`e |
. |
the.generation | |
by.the.Spirit |
who.Holy |
p.genos |
et.sotp |
m.p.[pna |
et.ouaab |
P080-Gk |
. |
and |
the.True |
*.Person |
and |
the.Son |
auw |
p.alhqeinos |
r.rwme |
auw |
p.4hre |
P080-Gk |
. |
of.the.Humankind |
and |
the.seed |
of.the.Son |
of.the.Humankind. |
m.p.rwme |
auw |
p.sperma |
m.p.4hre | |
P080-Gk |
. |
This.generation |
*.true | |
me |
peei.genos |
n.alhqeinon |
se.r.ono |
P052-Gk |
P107-Gk |
. |
*.it |
in | |
This |
is[4] | |
maze |
mmo.3 |
6m |
p.kosmos |
naei |
ne | |
P080-Gk |
. |
which.they.are |
there |
viz. |
the.Sons |
of.the.Bridal-Chamber. |
et.ou.4oop |
mmau |
n2i |
n.4hre |
m.p.num |
. |
fwn |
108. A horse naturally begets a horse, a human begets (a) human, a god begets (a) god. Thus it is regarding the Bridegroom within the Bride—[their Sons] came forth in the Bridal-Chamber. (The) Jews had not derived [...] from the Greeks, [...] and [we Christics do not derive] from the Jews. [...] And these were called [...] the chosen generation of the [Sacred Spirit]—the True Man and the Son of Mankind and the seed of the Son of Mankind. This generation is named true in the world. This is the place where the Sons of the Bridal-Chamber are.
108. Un caballo naturalmente engendra a un caballo, un humano engendra a (un) humano, un dios engendra a (un) dios. Así es referente al Novio dentro de la Novia—[sus hijos] salieron dentro de la Cámara Nupcial. (Los) judíos no habían descendido [...] de los griegos [...] y [nosotros los crísticos no descendemos] de los judíos. [...] Y éstos fueron llamados [...] la generación escogida por la [Sagrada Espíritu]—el humano veraz y el hijo de la humanidad y la semilla del hijo de la humanidad. Esta generación es nombrada la veraz en el mundo. Éste es el lugar donde existen los Hijos de la Cámara Nupcial.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-22.gif & w-till-23.gif.
2I.e. the Bridegroom.
3NB the Greek-Latin hybrid here spelled correctly, as in logion 101 (unlike logia 53, 103); see logion 53, note 2.
4Sic, read paei pe.