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is |
with |
fragrance; | |
*. |
ou.hrp |
te |
6i |
stoei |
se.r.apo[laue |
m |
. |
it |
all.of-them |
viz. | | |
mo.s |
thr.ou |
n2[i |
n] |
mmo.s |
. | |
selves.them |
viz. |
those-who.stand.themselves |
se.r.apolaue |
6w.ou |
n2i |
net.a6e.rat.ou |
. |
at.their.side |
while[2] |
they.remain.themselves |
viz. |
those-who. |
m.pou.bol |
6ws |
e.u.a6e.rat.ou |
n2i |
net. |
Gk |
P368- |
. |
are-anointed. |
Those-who.are-anointed |
with.Chrism, |
if.they.habitually.cease |
* |
to6s |
net.ta6s |
n.so2n |
e.u.4a.lo |
e.t.ou |
. |
to-them |
and.they.depart, |
habitually.those |
*.they.are-anointed |
not |
w.ou | |
4are.nh | |
an |
. |
only |
*.they.are-standing.themselves |
at.their.side, |
habitually.they. |
monon |
e.u.a6e.erat.ou |
m.pou.bal |
4a.u. |
Gk |
. |
remain |
still |
in |
their.miasma. |
The.Samaritan |
2w |
on |
6m |
pou.s5bwwn |
p.samariths |
P080-Heb |
. |
did.he.give |
anything |
not | |
if-not[3] |
nta.3.5 |
laau |
an | | |
Gk |
. |
wine |
with |
oil, |
other.thing |
not |
is |
if.not[4] |
*. |
hrp |
6i |
ne6 |
ke.laau |
an |
pe |
ei.mhti |
a. |
Gk |
. |
the.Chrism; |
and |
did.he.heal |
*.the.blows, |
p.so2n |
auw |
a.3.qerapeue |
n.m.plhgh |
. | |
for |
covers[5] |
*.a.multitude |
of-transgressions. |
t.agaph |
gar |
6wbs |
n.ou.mhh4e | |
P080-Gk |
Gk |
. |
be |
118. Spiritual love is [truly] wine with fragrance; all those who are anointed with it enjoy it. As long as the anointed remain, those (also) enjoy it who stand beside them. (But) if they who are anointed with the Chrism cease evangelizing them (and) depart, (then) those who are not anointed (but) only stand alongside remain still in their (own) miasma. The Samaritan gave nothing to the wounded (man) except wine with ointment—and he healed the blows, inasmuch as ‘love atones for a multitude of transgressions.’
118. El amor espiritual [en verdad] es vino con fragancia; todos los ungidos con él lo gozan. Mientras los ungidos permanecen, los que se paran a su lado (también) lo gozan. (Pero) si los ungidos con el crisma dejan de evangelizarles (y) se van, (entonces) los que no son ungidos (sino) solamente están parados al lado, se quedan en su (propio) miasma. El samaritano no proporcionó al herido nada más que vino con ungüento—y él sanó los golpes, pues «el amor expía una multitud de transgresiones.»
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-24.gif & w-till-25.gif.
3That is, ‘except’.
5Note that the Hebrew term for ‘atone’, rpk (kapúr), means literally ‘cover’—although a different Hebrew word also meaning ‘cover’, hsk (kasa), is used in Prov 10:12, of which this is a citation.