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combines |
with |, |
habitually.the.donkey |
4are.p.6to |
tw6 |
mn |
p.6to |
4are.p.ei |
. |
combines |
with |
the.donkey. |
The.species |
were.habitually.they.combining |
w |
t]w6 |
mn |
p.eiw |
n.genos |
ne.4a.u.tw6 |
P080-Gk |
. |
with | |
species. |
This |
is |
the-manner |
*.habitually. |
mn] |
nou.4br |
genos |
taei |
te |
qe |
e.4a |
Gk |
. |
the.Spirit |
combines |
with |
the.Spirit, |
and |
the.Logos |
re.p.]pna |
tw6 |
mn |
p.pna |
auw |
p.lo |
P080-Gk |
P080-Gk |
P080-Gk |
. |
| |
with |
the.Logos, |
gos] |
4a.3.r.k[oi]n[wn]ei |
mn |
p.logos |
P080-Gk |
. |
and |
the.Light | |
auw |
p.o]uo[ein |
4a.3.]r.koinwnei |
. |
with |
the.Light. |
If.thou.habitually.become |
*.human, |
mn |
p.ouoein |
e.k.4]a.4wpe |
r.rwme |
. |
the.human |; |
if.thou.habitually.become |
p.rwme |]erit.k |
e.k.4a.4wpe |
. |
*.spirit, |
the.Spirit |
he-who.shall.mate |
to.thee; |
if.thou. |
m.pna] |
p.pna | |
ero.k |
e.k. |
P262.6-Gk |
P080-Gk |
. |
habitually.become |
*.logos, |
the.Logos |
he-who. |
4a.4]wpe |
n.logos |
p.logos |
pet. |
P262.6-Gk |
P080-Gk |
P368- |
. |
shall.combine |
with.thee; |
if.thou.habitually.become |
*.light, |
na.tw6 |
nmma.k |
e.[k.]4an.4wpe |
n.ou |
. |
the.Light | |
oein |
p.ouoein | |
. |
with.thee; |
if.thou.habitually.become |
of.those-of |
the.side |
*. |
nmma.k |
e.k.4an.4wpe | | |
n. |
P107- |
. |
above, |
those-of |
the.side |
*.above |
shall.repose |
*.themselves |
6re |
na | |
n.6re |
na.mton |
mmo.ou |
. |
¡! |
upon.thee. |
If.thou.habitually.become |
*.horse |
6rai |
e`w.k |
e.k.4an.4wpe |
n.6to |
. |
or |
*.donkey |
or |
*.calf |
or |
*.dog |
or |
*.sheep |
h |
n.eiw |
h |
m.mase |
h |
n.ou6oor |
h |
n.e |
Gk |
Gk |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
or |
other |
among |
the.animals |
which.of.the.side |
*. |
soou |
h |
2e |
6n |
ne.qhrion | |
n. |
Gk |
P080-Gk |
P107- |
. |
outside |
with |
those.of.the.side |
*.*.below, | |
to-love. |
bol |
mn | |
m.p.itn | |
me |
. |
thee |
not: |
neither |
the.human |
nor |
the.Spirit |
nor |
rit.k |
an |
oute |
p.rwme |
oute |
p.pna |
ou |
Gk |
Gk |
P080-Gk |
Gk |
. |
the.Logos |
nor |
the.Light |
nor |
those-of |
te |
p.logos |
oute |
p.ouoein |
oute |
na |
P080-Gk |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
the.side |
*.*.above |
nor |
those-of |
the.side |
*.within |
they. | | |
oute |
na | |
n.6oun |
se. |
Gk |
P035- |
. | |
to-repose |
*.themselves |
not |
¡! |
in.heart/mind.of-thee |
na.4 |
mton |
mmo.ou |
an |
6rai |
n.6ht.k |
. |
and |
not.thy.heritage |
¡! |
in.heart/mind.of-them. |
auw |
mn.tak.meros |
6rai |
n.6ht.ou |
120. The human naturally unites with the human, the horse naturally unites with the horse, the donkey naturally unites with the donkey. The species naturally unite with their like-species. Thus the Spirit naturally unites with the Spirit, and the Logos naturally mates with the Logos, [and the] Light [naturally] mates [with the Light. If thou] become human, (then) [mankind shall] love thee; if thou are accustomed to become [spiritual], (then) the Spirit shall mate with thee; if thou [are accustomed] to become meaningful, (then) the Logos shall unite with thee; if thou are accustomed to become enlightened, (then) the Light shall mate with thee; if thou are accustomed to transcend, (then) the Transcendental shall repose upon thee. (But) if thou are accustomed to become (like a) horse or donkey or calf or dog or sheep or other of the animals (which are) outside and inferior, (then) neither mankind nor the Spirit nor the Logos nor the Light nor those above nor those within shall be able to love thee. They shall not be able to repose in thee, and thy heritage shall not be among them.
120. El humano naturalmente se junta con el humano, el caballo naturalmente se junta con el caballo, el burro naturalmente se junta con el burro; las especies naturalmente se juntan con sus mismas especies. Así la Espíritu naturalmente se junta con la Espíritu, y el Logos naturalmente se aparea con el Logos, [y la] Luz [naturalmente] se aparea [con la Luz. Si te] acostumbras de hacerte humano, (entonces) [la humanidad] te amar[á]; si te acostumbras de hacerte [espiritual], (entonces) la Espíritu se apareará contigo; si te [acostumbras de] hacerte razonante, (entonces) el Logos se juntará contigo; si te acostumbras de hacerte iluminado, (entonces) la Luz se apareará contigo; si te acostumbras de trascender, (entonces) lo Trascendental reposará sobre ti. (Pero) si te acostumbras de hacerte (como un) caballo o burro o becerro o perro u oveja u otro de los animales afuera e inferior, (entonces) ni la humanidad ni la Espíritu ni el Logos ni la Luz ni los de arriba ni los de adentro podrán amarte. No podrán reposar en ti, y tu herencia no estará entre ellos.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-25.gif.