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. . . |
are-hidden, |
endure.they |
and | |
. . . |
6hp] |
a6erat.ou |
auw |
se.on6 |
. |
If.they.are-revealed |
forth, |
*.they.die |
according-to |
the. . . . |]uwn[6 |
ebo]l |
a.u.mou |
kata | |
Gk |
P080-? |
. |
. . . |
*.the.human | |
forth.[2] |
±4 |
] |
m.p.rwme |
et.ouone6 |
ebol |
. |
As-long-as |
the.intestines |
of.the.person |
are-hidden, |
he.lives |
6oso]n |
m.ma6t |
m.p.rwme |
6hp |
3.on6 |
Gk |
. |
viz. |
the.person. |
If.they.habitually.are-exposed |
viz. |
his.intestines |
n2i |
p.rwme |
e.u.4a.2wlp |
n2i |
ne3.ma6t |
. |
they.become |
*.outside |
of.core.of-him, |
he.shall.die |
viz. |
the.person. |
se.r |
p.bol |
n.6ht.3 | |
n2i |
p.rwme |
. |
This.manner |
also |
with.the.tree: |
while |
*.its.root |
teei.6e |
on |
m.p.4hn |
6ws |
e.te3.noune |
Gk |
. |
is-hidden, | |
sprout |; | |
6hp |
4a.3.5 |
ouw |
n.3.le6ht |
e.r.4a.te3. |
. |
root |
exposed |
forth, |
habitually.the.tree |
withers. |
noune |
2wlp |
ebol |
4are.p.4hn |
4o |
. |
This |
is |
the-manner |
concerning |
begotten |
every | |, |
oue |
taei |
te |
qe |
6i |
`po |
nim |
et.6m |
p.kos |
P080-Gk |
. |
not |
only |
concerning |
those-which.are-revealed |
forth |
mos |
ou |
monon |
6i |
net.ouon6 |
ebol |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
but-also |
concerning |
those-which.are-hidden. |
While |
for |
the.root |
alla |
6i |
ne.qhp |
ef.6oson |
gar |
t.noune |
Gk |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
of.the.evil |
is-hidden, |; | |
n.t.kakia |
6hp |
s.`oor |
e.u.4an.souwn.s |
. |
yet |
* |
forth, | |
yet |
forth |
de |
a.s.bwl |
ebol |
e.s.4an.ouwn6 |
de |
e |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
*.it.perishes. |
Because-of |
this, |
the.Logos[3] |
says |
*. |
bol |
a.s.w`n |
etbe |
paei |
p.logos |
`w |
m |
P080-Gk |
. |
it |
: |
Already |
the.axe |
is-placed |
to.the.root |
mo.s |
`e |
hdh |
t.aceinh |
smmont |
a.t.nou |
Gk |
P080-Gk |
. |
of.the.trees! |
*.It.shall.cut |
not, |
that-which.they. |
ne |
n.n.4hn | |
an |
pet.ou. |
. | |
again | |
sprout. |
But-rather |
*.habitually. |
na.4aat.3 |
palin |
4a.3.5 |
ouw |
alla |
e.4a |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
the.axe |
delves |
to.the.ground |
*.*.downward |
until. |
re.t.aceinh |
balbl |
e.p.itn |
e.p.esht |
4a |
P080-Gk |
. |
it.brings |
the.root |
up. |
Did.Yeshua |
yet |
tear-out[4] |
*. |
te.s.n |
t.noune |
e6raei | |
de |
pwr` |
n. |
P199a-Aram |
Gk |
. |
the.root | |
all.of-it, |
some.others |
yet |
according-to |
t.noune | |
thr.3 |
6n.kooue |
de |
ka |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
part. |
We-ourselves | |
let! |
ta |
meros |
anon |
6ww.n |
mare.p.oua |
Gk |
. |[5] |
in.heart/mind.of-us |
let!.him.delve |
in.direction-of |
the.root |
p.oua |
n.6ht.n |
mare.3.balble | |[u |
. |
of.the.evil | |
in.heart/mind.of-him, | |
ne |
n.t.kakia |
et.n.6rai |
n.6ht.3 |
n.3.pork.[s |
. |
from |
its.root |
in |
his.heart/mind. |
* |
6a |
tes.noune |
6m |
pe3.6ht | |
. |
yet | |
If |
yet |
caused.we. |
de |
e.n.4a.souwn.s |
e4wpe |
de |
t.n |
Gk |
Gk |
. |
are-made |
* |
*.it, |
it.takes |
root |
down |
n.o | |
ero.s |
s.`e |
noune |
6r[ai |
. |
in.heart/mind.of-us |
and |
it.produces |
forth |
*.its.fruits |
n.6ht.n |
auw |
s.teuo |
ebol |
n.nes.kar |
. |
¡! |
in |
the.of-us.hearts/minds. | |
*.master |
to-us, |
pos |
6rai |
6m |
p.n.6ht |
s.o |
n.`oeis |
ero. |
. |
caused.we.are-made |
*.the.slaves | | |
t.nn.o |
n.6m6al |
na.s |
s.r.aixmal[wti]z[e |
. |
*.us, | |
*.those-which.we.desire.them |
not, |
mmo.n |
et.r.n.eire |[4.ou |
an |
. | | |
*.them |
not. |
It. |
net.n.ouo4.ou |
t.n.eire |
mmo.ou |
[an |
s. |
P035- |
. |
is-potent |
* | |
While |
* |
2m2om |
`e |
mp.n.s.ouwn.s |
6ws |
[e.s.6 |
Gk |
. |
indeed | |
op |
men |
s.r.energei |
Gk |
133. [... As long as] the entrails of the person are enclosed, the person lives. If his entrails are exposed (and) he is disemboweled, the person will die. So also with the tree: it naturally sprouts and thrives while its root is covered, (but) if its root is exposed the tree withers. Thus it is with everything begotten in the world, not only with the manifest but also with the covert. For as long as the root of evil is hidden, it is strong; yet if it is recognized it is destroyed (and) when it is exposed it perishes. This is why the Logos says ‘Already the ax has reached the root of the trees!’ It will not (merely) chop off, for that which is chopped off naturally sprouts again. But rather the ax delves down into the ground (and) uproots. Yet Yeshua pulled up the root of the entire place, but the others (had done so) only in part. Ourselves also—let each one of us delve down to the root of the evil that is within him (and) tear out its root from his own heart! Yet it will be uprooted if we but recognize it. But if we are unaware of it, it takes root within us and produces its fruits in our hearts. It makes itself master over us (and) we are made into its slaves. We are taken captive, which coerces us into doing what we do not want (and) into [not] doing what we do want. It is potent until we recognize it. While it is subliminal, it indeed impels.
133. [... Mientras] las entrañas de la persona quedan encerradas, la persona vive. Si sus entrañas están expuestas (y) ella se desentraña, la persona morirá. Así también con el árbol: naturalmente brota y crece mientras su raíz queda cubierta, (pero) si su raíz está expuesta el árbol se marchita. Así es con todo engendrado en el mundo, no solamente con lo manifiesto sino también con lo escondido. Pues mientras la raíz de la maldad queda escondida, es fuerte; pero si se reconoce está destruida (y) cuando se expone perece. Por esto dice el Logos: «¡Ya el hacha ha alcanzado a la raíz de los árboles!» No (solamente) podará, pues lo que se poda naturalmente brota de nuevo. Sino que el hacha excava bajo tierra (y) desarraiga. Pues Yeshúa arrancó la raíz del lugar entero, pero los otros (lo habían hecho) sólo en parte. Nosotros también—¡que cada uno de entre nosotros excave hasta la raíz de la maldad que está dentro de sí mismo, (y) arranque su raíz de su propio corazón! Pero se arrancará si nada más que la reconozcamos. Pero si no nos enteramos de ella, arraiga dentro de nosotros y produce sus frutos en nuestros corazones. Se hace maestra sobre nosotros (y) nos convertimos en sus esclavos. Somos capturados, lo cual nos obliga hacer lo que no queremos (y) [no] hacer lo que sí queremos. Es poderosa hasta que la reconozcamos. Mientras queda subliminal, en verdad impulsa.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-29.gif.
2I have been unable to interpret these four lines.
3John the Baptist quoted as ‘the Logos’!
4Sic, read pwrk.