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my.Father | |
the.heavens |, |
they.shall. | |
et.6n |
m.phue |
to2.3 |
[ |
. | |
Those-who.are-separated |, |
those-who.are-empty |
pork.3 |
net.por` |[tr |
net.4oueit |
. | |
Someone |
every |
who.shall.go |
into | |
ouon |
nim |
et.n[a.bwk |
e6oun |
. |
*.the.bedroom | |
in/from.the.light. |
Habitually-not.they.are-begotten |
e.p.koitwn |[`p]o |
m.p.o[uoein |
ma.u.`p |
. |
for |
in.the-manner |
of.the.marriages |
which.we.see |
*.them |
not, |
*.they. |
o |
gar |
n.qe |
n.n.gamos |
et.n.n[au |
ero.ou |
an |
e.u. |
Gk |
. |
occur |
in.the.night: | | |
forth |
4wpe |
n.t.ou4h |
p.kw6t |
4[a.3.`ero |
ebol |
. |
in.the.night, | |
The.mysteries/sacraments |
yet |
n.t.ou4h |
4a.3.`ene |
m.musthrion |
de |
P080-Gk |
Gk |
. |
of.this.Marriage |
rather |
habitually.they.are-consummated |
forth |
in |
the. |
m.pi.gamos |
nto3 |
4a.u.`wk |
ebol |
6m |
pe. |
P080- |
. |
day |
with |
the.light. |
Habitually-not.the-day |
which.that |
6oou |
mn |
p.ouoein |
mare.foou |
et.mmau |
. |
or |
its.light |
decline. |
h |
pe3.ouoein |
6wth |
Gk |
142. ‘[Every] plant which my heavenly Father has not sown [shall be] rooted out.’ Those who are separated shall be mated (and) [the empty] shall be filled. Everyone who [enters] the Bedroom shall be born in the Light. For they [are not begotten] in the manner of the marriages which we [do not] see, (which are) are enacted by night, the fire (of which) [flares] in the dark (and then) is extinguished. Yet rather the Sacraments of this Marriage are consummated in the day and the light. Neither that day nor its light ever sets.
142. «[Toda] planta que no ha sembrado mi Padre celestial, [será] desarraigada.» Los separados serán apareados (y) [los vacíos] colmados. Todos los que [entran en] la Alcoba, nacerán en la luz. Pues [no son engendrados] en la manera de las bodas que [no] vemos, (las cuales) se actúan de noche, (cuyo) fuego [llamea] en la oscuridad (y luego) se apaga. Sino que los sacramentos de esta boda son consumados en el día y en la luz. Ni aquel día ni su luz declina jamás.
1Till's Coptic text: w-till-31.gif & w-till-32.gif.